Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hate Is The Theme Of This Election...But Some Attacks Demand A Response

It's not often I'm really driven to anger...generally, I just look at ignorance for what it is and let it go.  While there are distortions on the Left and the Right this cycle, some of these attacks leave me speechless.  Well, I exaggerate....ALMOST speechless.  I spent too many years writing Opinion Editorials to be at a total loss for words.

As often happens, someone forwards me a repulsive, distortion and ask me to please write some rebuttal they can use.  Today, perhaps it's the hot weather, but this one deserved both barrels.  I would never use names, however, let me say that this email came from an individual who is often the source for material which disparages anyone who is poor, non-Christian or non-Caucasian.  People of Italian descent...who forget...or never learned about the day in America when Italians were NOT considered "white," but rather in a class with African-Americans.  Likewise, their "patriotism" overflows, however like many Conservatives, they never served a single day in military service to this country.  No, they were too busy acquiring wealth in business for such details.

Now, with a bit of background for the messengers, here is the message they offered for today.......

Now isn't this the height of deceit ??????

This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)

Well, folks, there you have it.  All you need from the right to put the Khan family into perspective for you.  I could not let this outright rubbish pass without a response....and in no way did I feel my lack of diplomacy was out of line, considering the source and the information.  A response will probably cause a fair amount of "Conservative Butthurt," so if you're tender, you may wish to stop here.  Otherwise, please proceed.

First off, let's address the picture attached to the hate mail.  The haters are unable to even identify Mrs. Khan, although well able to attack her.

Now that we have this out of the way....I continue..........

Let's learn a little history...Okay???

Now, how about if he were Catholic and a member and practitioner of Opus Dei?  Would you still have a problem?

He is an American educated, Harvard educated guess what??  He practices U.S. law, based in English Common Law in his professional life.  He could be a Jewish lawyer and do the same thing....yet practice Jewish law...Kosher his personal life and that's his business.  Not yours...not that of anyone else.  He's able to keep his personal life and his professional life separate, as should be done.  Too bad a lot of Christians can't do that...or...even though a lot do.  I've not heard any yelling about the Catholic lawyer who goes to Mass on Sunday and consumes the "body and blood of his Savior," like a cannibal.....but lives normally the rest of the week...eating beef, chicken and pork.  Like everyone else in this country, he's entitled to his religious practices, so long as he keeps them in his home...which he does.  It's the freedom to practice one's religious beliefs in the manner they choose.  He does not impose them on anyone else.

"Con man," and "Prop."  What a joke!!!  They are a mother and father who lost a son in a worthless war....a son who was an American Army OFFICER...educated and dedicated to serving his country.  I wonder how many people with names signed onto this email, gave one damned minute of their lives in uniform, serving this nation?  I'd be willing to bet not a one.  Nor, donated a child to serve, either.  My own family has served in every conflict in this nation since service days in the Colonial Militia...and we look down on all of you who shirked your duty, too!

As for his wife, wearing a head what?  Many Muslim women do...and don't...on different occasions.  Contrary to your distorted view of Islam...this is often the case.  She was in mourning for her son...and thus could been part of her expression.  I remember my Irish Catholic grandmother....going to church, or following a family death...never going outside without a hat and veil.  It doesn't make it anymore more than custom.  I often wear my Irish kilt and attire of my Irish clan for formal occasions.  That certainly doesn't mean I wear a kilt everywhere I go.  And, it says nothing about "religion," as I'm Buddhist.

Give it a rest.  Donald Trump knew nothing about this family...nor the loss of their son.  What he did do was to insult them for their loss.  Mrs. Khan is a "Gold Star Mother," something none of your mothers had to worry about...right?  And Mr. Trump insulted each and every American...and foreign born family who lost a child or a spouse during combat for this country.  In fact, he insulted all veterans and Gold Star families and they know it.

So, get off the racist/religious crap....and recognize that this country has been made strong by immigrants...of all religious backgrounds.  Maybe read what it written on the Statue of Liberty.  The Khan family came here with absolutely nothing...and stand as a symbol of what an immigrant can do.  You don't like the illegal immigrants...claim they are destroying the country....and don't like legal immigrants who come here and reach the American dream....yet each and every one of you come from immigrant families...I would imagine...unless you're Native Americans, which I doubt.

Nuff said!

Questions or comments?  I'm always happy to address them!
©Stan G. Kain 2016

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