By Stan G. Kain
November 7, 2003
California is quite a place. Since I'm a fourth-generation native of the Golden State, I suppose I can say that. A few years back, Californians chose the "Gipper" for governor and now they may have elected the "Groper." Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger may earn the title, if there's any proof to the allegations of at least sixteen women. The Terminating Governor isn't going to let the allegations remain unfounded, however, he's going to have himself investigated.
Prior to the California recall election, at least sixteen women came forward with claims that the soon-to-be governor had groped them. The allegations date back over the past twenty years, while Mr. Schwarzenegger was busy with body building and acting roles. Political aspirations had yet to enter his mind. You just never know what lies ahead, when you're involved with a good grope, I suppose.
The governor-elect offered a rather confusing statement of defense, prior to the election. Arnold issued a general apology for "behaving badly sometimes," adding "many of the things in there are not true because that's not my behavior." Hmm? Many of the allegations aren't true? May we assume that some of the gropes were accurate while others were not? Arnold only behaved badly, sometimes? I suppose he only behaved badly when opportunity presented itself.
Arnold isn't about to take these allegations to Sacramento with him. He's hiring an investigative firm to look into the claims of these women. Apparently, he doesn't remember if they're legitimate claims or not. Oh yes, Arnold says he isn't going to allow the State Attorney General to review the result of the investigation, either. If the investigation reveals any groping on Arnold's part, he's planning on keeping it to himself. I wonder if he'll give Maria an opportunity to review the report? I'm sure she would find it fascinating.
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, a Democrat, says his office doesn't plan to conduct an investigation, since investigations would be the domain of local prosecutors and law enforcement, where the alleged groping occurred. There's a sensible response, but what about local officials? Will they have access to the investigative report? Arnold hasn't offered any insight into that aspect.
Actors, celebrities and assorted sports figures are often exempt from the same laws as common folks. At least, one gets that impression from time to time. They are almost expected to grope and party. What about the rights of the "gropee?" Sure, some women will try to take advantage of celebrity opportunity, bot not all. Are the sixteen women who came forward about being groped by Arnold lying? How many more women are too ashamed to come forward? We don't know.
Whether sixteen women are telling the truth or not, the public has the right to know. Arnold is the one who has chosen a political life and his actions; past, present and during his term of office, are the business of the people of California. I would not think Arnold, nor the women in question would want the allegations to remain unanswered.
We don't hire a fox to guard our chicken coops, nor should we allow Arnold to investigate himself. Arnold has left the world of acting and has entered the world of the elected representative. The only proper solution lies with an independent counsel, investigation the allegations. If that investigation proves baseless, let Arnold claim his place in Sacramento. If the investigation shows a legitimate basis for complaint, let Arnold face his accusers in a court, just like common folks.
Come on Mr. Schwarzenegger, let the voters learn the truth. You can always insist that the incidents didn't fit your definition of "groping." You just never know how far groping will take you in life. California is further from Washington D.C. than Arkansas, but you're on the right road. Just a few million votes and an Austrian birth certificate are standing between you and all those political interns in Washington, D.C., Mr. Schwarzenegger.
If you have questions or comments, please email Stan.
ⒸCopyright Stan G. Kain 2003
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