Weapons of
Mass Deception
Stan G. Kain
September 2003
Bush Administration and the rest of the world are waiting to hear
what Central Intelligence Agency official and former United Nations
weapons inspector, David Kay, will have to say in his report about
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.. So far, indications from
Washington don't hold much promise for great revelations from Mr.
Kay. While President Junior and Secretary of State, Colin Powell
keep assuring the American public and their allies that such weapons
exist, more and more people doubt the Iraq weapons program. The Iraq
program is looking more like “weapons of mass deception,” than
weapons of mass destruction.
Bush and his resurrected staff of Reagan advisors managed to sell the
voters and Congress on the eminent threat of Saddam Hussein. The
team didn't do quite the sales job to our allies, with the exception
of the United Kingdom.. Now, with no weapons to show, both Mr. Bush
and Tony Blair are trying to explain why. Was our intelligence
flawed? Was there deception, and if so, who attempted to deceive
whom? Perhaps there was deception in the U.S. and in Iraq.
Iraq trader, in charge of purchasing material for the Iraqi chemical
and biological weapons program during the 1980's, offers a partial
explanation. According to the unnamed trader, U.N. weapons
inspectors, following Gulf War I, repeatedly approached him. The
trader said that following the war, his superiors directed that some
weapons program documents be handed over to U.N. inspectors, while
the rest be destroyed. When the weapons inspectors demanded to see a
paper trail of the weapons program, there was nothing to show.
Desperate, his superiors even offered to buy hidden documents from
traders, to appease the inspectors. They had not expected the U.N.
inspectors to insist on a detailed explanation of the program and
destruction of weapons.
one U.N. presentation, U.S. Secretary of State Powell insisted that
the Tariq State Establishment on Fallujah had been designated to
develop chemical weapons. The site was visited six times, from
December 2002 to January 2003, by U.N. inspectors. Inspectors
declared the chlorine plant was “inoperative.” Another site, the
Amiriyah Serum and Vaccine Institute, was suspected by British and
American intelligence, to be part of a biological-warfare program.
Again, nothing was found.
magazine visited the site in July 2003. They observed two
warehouses, both named by joint intelligence. They found one
warehouse bombed, with the doors hanging open and a pile of rubble.
The other warehouse was stacked with boxes of unused glassware and
beakers. Most of the boxes had several inches of pigeon droppings
and feathers on them, indicating they had not been touched in a long
officials were convinced the chemical and biological weapons were
present in Iraq. They outfitted soldiers with heavy chemical weapons
gear, just in case. Nothing happened. A captain in Iraq's Special
Security Organization agency, responsible for the security of weapons
sites, said there were no such arms available. Adding credibility to
his statement, the captain said, “Trust me. If we had them
(chemical or biological weapons), we would have used them, especially
in the battle for the airport. We wanted them but didn't have any.”
can't we find evidence that the Iraqi's destroyed the known weapons
of mass destruction, if they did so? One former Iraqi official
points out that in Iraq, not everything is written. The Iraqi
Intelligence captain cites one example. He witnessed an exercise in
July 1991, which may offer some explanation. He traveled with a
truck caravan, carrying 25 missiles loaded with biological agents.
Reaching the Nibai desert, the missiles were buried by bulldozers.
The area was evacuated and the missiles were exploded. “We just
did it,” he said. There was no kind of documentation for the
incident. This way, he said, when weapons inspectors came, demanding
verification, there would be no proof as to how many weapons were
incidents such as the ones above, may account for much of the missing
weapons program in Iraq. One is left wondering if some of the
weapons of mass destruction, or components, were sold to terrorist
groups or other nations. That could account for part of the missing
inventory. There may be yet another explanation, not mentioned by
the Bush Administration.
about Saddam Hussein and his love of weapons? Iraqi officials claim
that Saddam was crazy for weapons, fascinated by every new invention.
As such, he was also vulnerable to the approach of con men and
questionable salesmen. As an example, Saddam had high hopes for a
bogus product called, “red mercury.” He was told the material
was an ingredient for a handheld nuclear device. He bought the false
story. Large quantities of the gelatinous red liquid were looted
from Iraqi stores after the war and are not being offered on the
black market.
Iraqi Intelligence office says Saddam's underlings may have invented
weapons programs and fabricated experiments. He says the scamming
went all the way to the top in the Iraqi scientific community.
Officials would appease Saddam with every report, never telling him
the truth about failures or production levels, while they took money
from the projects. Saddam would be told that a new missile had been
developed to strike Stealth bombers. Of course, there was no such
device. Saddam would order 20 of the missiles to be built. One
non-working device would be made to show Saddam, while the rest of
the money went into the pockets of crooked government officials.
is highly possible that Saddam didn't know the true nature of his own
arsenal. Western intelligence was merely picking up reports about a
fantastic weapons program that didn't really exist. The false
reports were not made to fool U.S. Intelligence, but rather to fool
Saddam Hussein. Not unlike Saddam, we took the bait, as well.
Iraqi's have a long history of deception in the weapons game. This
adds credibility to Saddam's misleading reports. In 1991, during an
uprising by Iraqi Kurds in Kirkuk, helicopters dropped a harmless
white powder onto the rebels. The Kurds were terrified, believing it
was a chemical attack. As Hans Blix, head of the U.N. inspection
team said, “you can put up a sign on your door, beware of dog,
without having a dog.”
officials, when questioned by western intelligence, tell the same
basic story. The weapons of mass destruction program was abandoned
and redirected into other projects. Most of the scientists were
directed to develop radar and antiaircraft systems, while others went
into teaching, water and power projects and even producing a generic
Viagra. Saddam Hussein may have been playing the shell game with the
U.N. inspectors and the Bush Administration because he was intent on
protecting a weapons system that didn't exist. Saddam not unlike
President Junior, may have believed the weapons did exist. U.S.
Intelligence may have also been deceived, believing the intercepted
false reports of Saddam's scientific community.
of us, including the Iraqi's may be the victims of a ruse. A very
expensive ruse, to say the very least. Expensive for the American
taxpayer, for the American and British soldier and expensive for the
political careers of Saddam Hussein, George Bush and Tony Blair.
Unless the weapons of mass destruction are shown in the upcoming U.S.
Intelligence report, we're left with being the victims of weapons of
mass deception. If this is true, may Congress and the American
people use the lesson in the future. May we demand proof, before
going off to war with nothing more than circumstantial evidence.
you have questions, you may email Stan.
2003 by Stan G. Kain
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