Can You Handle the Truth?By Stan G. KainOct 20, 2003 |
screams “I want the truth!” and Jessep fires back “You can’t
handle the truth!” Do you remember this scene from the film, “ A
Few Good Men?” The scenario is repeated daily, between independent
reporters and the American public. Major news networks offer viewers
“eye candy,” or pictures often depicting one side of the story.
Viewers many not even hear the words. Government officials offer
photo op sessions, such as President Junior’s courageous carrier
landing, as American soldiers duck bullets in Iraq. Many reporters
“on the ground” tell the other side of the story, but do
Americans want to hear it?
Martz, a print journalist, embedded with a tank company in the Army’s
3rd Infantry Division says there must have been
two wars in Iraq. Ron wrote about a chaotic war. His war was one in
which plans and missions changed almost daily. On one occasion, Ron
noted that plans changed three times in one hour. Ron reported on
soldiers who questioned the intelligence they received and logistics
failing to supply water and spare parts. Ask any veteran – chaos is
a natural part of war. Ron reported on the horrors of Iraqi civilian
casualties. While television crews showed American Marines and
Iraqi’s dancing on a fallen statue of Saddam Hussein on the east
side of the Tigris River, Ron wrote about the battles still taking
place on the western side of the Tigris.
return for his attempt to inform Americans, an assault by readers was
launched against Ron. One reader questioned his patriotism, his
ancestry and his sexual orientation. Another reader suggested he
change sides and cheer for backers of Saddam Hussein. Of course, Ron
was showered with the old standby attack. “You’re just one of
those liberal members of the media,” wrote several readers. Readers
even attacked soldiers who complained about their conditions. One
reader suggested a soldier be stripped of his uniform and sent home
in disgrace. Soldiers always complain – that’s part of being a
soldier. It’s part of life in a combat zone. It’s reality.
gave Americans the war they wanted to see. Viewers didn't see
bodies with limbs torn off. They didn't see American soldiers being
killed. They didn't see Iraqi resistance to invading American and
British troops. Americans saw a neat and tidy war. That’s what they
wanted to see. Americans were shown half of the truth and half the
truth is still a lie.
U.S. Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner is a war gamer, once a teacher of
strategy and military operations at the National War College. Colonel
Gardner has forgotten more about war than President Junior will ever
learn. Colonel Gardner has written an analysis, suggesting that the
White House and Pentagon made up or distorted more than 50 stories
related to the war in Iraq. Gardner says the stories were based upon
more than just “bad intelligence.” He says, “It was an
orchestrated effort. It began before the war, was a major effort
during the war and continues as post-conflict distortions…It was
not just the Pentagon. It was the White House, and it was Number 10
Downing Street. It was more than spin…In the most basic sense,
Washington and London did not trust the peoples of their democracies
to come to right decisions.” If you are prepared to read the more
than 20 page analysis for yourself, you may do so in a .pdf
document made available through
desire to bury our heads in “feel good” news reaches far beyond
the Iraq war. Americans know the Administration is not paying off the
national debt. The Treasury website shows that. Americans know the
Consumer Price Index is not accurate when it excludes gasoline from
calculations to determine inflation. Americans know unemployment
statistics are inaccurate, as they no longer include people
discharged from military service and those who have exhausted their
benefits. Americans don’t want to know that low-income wage earners
pay a much larger percentage of their income than do the wealthy to
local, state and federal government. Information such as this just
doesn’t make you feel good about the State of the Union. Americans
don’t want to hear that their elected officials lie to them and to
the rest of the world. It’s just too ugly, so newspapers are put
down, televisions are turned off and the “liberal media” takes
the blame.
is working to “dumb down” their viewers. Schools are too busy
teaching students how to “feel good about themselves,” while
failing to teach history and government. Americans choose to hide in
a fantasy world, believing that the United States only does good
things and everyone else in the world does the bad things. It just
feels better to live in this world. Facing reality would mean
accepting the civic duty of bringing about change. If you think I’m
being too critical of Americans, consider a recent survey.
First Amendment Center conducted a poll of Americans, regarding the
proper role of government, based on our heritage and First Amendment
rights. In my opinion, the results are chilling.
- 20% say the U.S. government should approve information newspapers publish.
- 54% say the government should rate entertainment programs shown on television.
- 36% support a law banning public remarks offensive to racial groups.
- 37% could not name even one of the five freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment.
of America conducted a similar survey with equally chilling results:
- Only 36% of Americans believe Congress should follow the U.S. Constitution.
- 22% say, if given the option, they would vote against the U.S. Constitution.
- 27% say they aren’t sure if they would support the U.S. Constitution, or not.
- 35% say dropping the Second Amendment would make America a safer place.
you honestly think that the “liberal media” in America would try
to sell voters on the idea of voiding the First Amendment to our
Constitution? Isn't this the very foundation conservatives accuse
the liberal media of using for protection? Are schools teaching the
power and importance of our Constitution? According to the result of
these surveys, I doubt schools even mention the U.S. Constitution.
Perhaps they are too busy promoting sports and fighting for increased
budgets. I have lived in countries where the constitution has been
dissolved or shredded by oppressive governments. I don’t think
these uninformed Americans would enjoy life there. If they would, I
could certainly recommend a new nation for them.
PIPA/Knowledge Networks Poll asked Americans two questions about the
Iraq War. First, they asked if the U.S. has found weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq. Second, they asked if the U.S. had found
evidence that Saddam Hussein was working closely with al-Qaida
terrorists. The answer to both questions is, “No.” Knowledge
Network found a relationship between the viewer’s choice of news
and the misconceptions derived from these questions.
you would like to be an intelligent, informed American, you may wish
to reconsider your primary source of news. Approach news in the way a
journalist does. Do not accept a single report as “fact.” Don’t
accept a photo op as, “fact.” Read from several sources of news
and inject reason and logic in what you see. Separate fact from
public relations spin. Insist that you are given details and
references. Above all else, accept that not all accurate news is
going to make you feel good.
Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner said in closing, “When truth is a
casualty, democracy receives collateral damage.” Do not allow your
rights to be stripped away in the name of national security.
Knowledge is power and power belongs to the people. Take your power
back from government.
© Copyright 2003 by Stan G. Kain
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